Ontology and Consciousness in Hegel and Sartre

Richard Kim

Research Paper: Ontology and Consciousness in Hegle and Sartre

Course: Modern and Contemporary Philosophy

Instructor: Peter Hudis

My name is Richard Kim, and I will graduate in the spring of 2024 with an A.A. Currently, my plan is to continue pursuing my interest in philosophy and transfer to a four-year university. My main interests in philosophy include metaphysics, philosophy of religion, and philosophy of mind.

In this project, I attempt to display how philosophers Hegel and Sartre account for ontology and establish their understanding of self-consciousness. By focusing on each thinker’s fundamental ideas, I analyze points in which their thoughts align and or differ. Last but not least, I was able to accomplish this project for the Modern and Contemporary Philosophy course with Dr. Peter Hudis. Thanks to his great support and guidance I was able to accomplish this project.


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