Nobel Prize Winners in Physiology and Medicine and their Collective Contributions to Cardiovascular Medicine Since the Inception of the Nobel Award

Amy Miller

Research Paper: Nobel Prize Winners in Physiology and Medicine and their Collective Contributions to Cardiovascular Medicine Since the Inception of the Nobel Award

Honors Course: Honors General College Biology II

Instructor: Khursheed Ichhaporia

My name is Amy Miller and I am a non-traditional student at Oakton completing pre-medicine requirements. I will be applying to medical schools in May 2023 and plan to pursue a career in orthopedics. I am a nurturer by nature and find being able to help people incredibly satisfying. I also believe in the power of movement for health, independence, and well-being, and I hope to be able to assist people in maintaining their mobility and wellness throughout their lives. 

My honors project with Dr. Khursheed Ichhaporia allowed me to explore a few of the last century's notable contributions to cardiovascular medicine through the lens of the Nobel prize awards. I was able to document the lasting impact of advancements in medicine—how the discoveries of a few people could shape future collaborations and how integral teamwork is to the success of scientific pursuits. I built upon our studies in the class of systems in the human body to understand exactly how each prize winner's discoveries changed the course of cardiovascular medicine, improving our understanding of the system itself while ameliorating countless lives.


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