Honors Student Organization
The Honors Student Organization is an Oakton student club led by Oakton Honors students. They provide mutual support, organize community events, meet with emerging scholars, and develop empowering resources for their peers. All are welcome.
The Honors Student Organization (HSO) will relaunch for the 2024-2025 academic year, hosting meetings and workshops inviting new members. Membership in this student club is open to students currently enrolled in any Honors class, or current Oakton students who have taken Honors classes in the past (this includes completing Honors Contracts). There are no membership fees. Non-members are welcome to join our meetings and workshops to learn more! Email honors@oakton.edu to learn more!
Fall 2024/Spring 2025 meetings: First Wednesdays at 2:00PM-3:00PM, on Zoom (or hybrid) are the required meetings for HSO Officers (Members encouraged to attend). The club may have additional meetings as the membership decides together. Talk to Breanna Montoya, the HSO President about additional meetings.
Club Meeting Dates: 9/4/24, 10/2/24, 11/6/24, 12/4/24, 2/5/25, 3/5/25, 4/2/25, and 5/7/25. Additional meetings and events will be added to the Honors calendar as they are scheduled.