Spring 2024 Honors Class: Ethics
Spring 2024, Honors: Ethics
Professor Patrick O’Donnell
TR 9:30AM-10:45AM Des Plaines Campus
Register for PHL 106 0H1 (CRN: 11780)
Fulfills the Humanities GenEd
Description: How should I live? We live in a violent, complicated, and fragile world where questions about right, wrong, good, and bad often do not have clear-cut answers. This course starts from the assumption that thinking, feeling, and acting better in this world requires us to better understand the social conditions that surround and shape us. Drawing on historical and contemporary texts in philosophy and adjacent disciplines, we will focus on how structures like capitalism, colonialism, patriarchy, racism, globalization, and their accompanying practices and technologies shape, constrain, and enable not only our own powers to think, feel, and act, but also shape the possibilities for making a better world. If you have questions about the class, please contact Prof. O’Donnell.