Honors: Introduction to Sociology (Online)

Honors: Intro to Sociology

Professor Anika Jones

Online Asynchronous Format

Register for SOC 101 HC1 (CRN:12115)

Gen Ed: Social and Behavioral Sciences; U.S. Diversity Studies

Concentrations: Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Description: This course uses a sociological perspective to study contemporary society, with focus on the United States. Content includes culture, socialization, social interaction, groups and networks, deviance and social control, inequality in society (from an intersectionality perspective), social institutions such as family or education, and processes of social change. Students will explore their own socialization as well as be able to choose social problems and issues that are dear to their hearts and apply their creative faculties to propose solutions. A robust and engaging asynchronous learning environment which is a great fit for honors students.

Greetings, Prospective Students,

My name is Dr. Anika Jones, and I teach the Honors: Introduction to Sociology course forthcoming this semester. Have you ever pondered or are you curious about "why do you think the way you do?" This course is a self-exploration course. While you are learning about society--you will also learn about yourself!  

I chose two images to represent aspects of myself. The first is my idol: Sojourner Truth, the famous abolitionist and campaigner for women’s rights. I am currently working on an awesome revisionist history project where she is granted full access as an academic, social scientist, and gender scholar.

The second image represents my mantra to make self-care a priority every day! I try to do something for my mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual body every day. 


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